Group Insurance Group Life Insurance Benefits Plans

Looking For Group Life Insurance Benefits Plan?

  • Extensive Options: ThinkInsure works with many different life insurance companies. This allows you to find the perfect combination of high quality coverage and pricing options that meet your member’s life insurance needs.
  • Professional Consultation: We work with you to understand your organization’s needs, and provide you with unbiased, professional advice for your group life insurance options.
  • Flexible Plans & Solutions: We’ll customize your group life insurance to ensure it is in line with your organizational objectives.
  • Group Life Insurance That’s Easy & Affordable: We’ll research the market, find the best solutions and make suggestions based on your budget and coverage requirements.

Why Is Group Life Insurance Good For Your Organization?

People want to work for organizations that take care of them. At ThinkInsure, we help you take care of your valued employees by helping you provide them with group life insurance coverage. Often offered as part of a comprehensive benefit plan along with health insurance, this form of coverage helps protect families from loss of income in the unfortunate event of one of your employees dying.

Offering life insurance helps your employees feel more secure, and it gives them peace of mind in knowing their family will be taken care of if something happens to them. The financial support that is provided to the beneficiary can go a long way to aid with the grieving process – and it shows that your organization cares about its employees and their families.

What Are The Benefits Of Group Life Insurance Plan?

Offering group life insurance as part of your employee benefits package is an effective way to round out your compensation package. Our group life insurance options benefit your company in a number of ways:

  • It’s Low Risk : Offering life insurance generally comes with a low risk factor, due in large part to employee turnover rates and the low odds of many people passing at the same time. The chances that someone will die while working for your company are small.
  • It’s Low Cost : Since group life insurance is commonly bundled with other group insurance coverage (health, home, auto, and disability), the plan and administrative costs tend to be minimal.
  • You Have Choices : ThinkInsure offers solutions that meet your company’s specific needs for life insurance. Depending on your compensation philosophy, there are certain coverage options you may or may not want to include as part of your life insurance benefits. We can accommodate this and help you craft a unique policy for your organization.
  • Improve Your Group Benefits Package : Offering group life insurance makes your overall employee benefits package more attractive to people you are trying to recruit to work for your company.

How Your Employees Benefit

Having access to life insurance coverage through employers offer these benefits :

  • Cost Savings : Group life insurance premiums are more affordable than individual policies. Group plans are less risky for insurance providers because premiums are based on the risk of the overall group and not on an individual basis.
  • Fewer Qualification Restrictions : People often don’t get life insurance coverage because of the paperwork and medical testing required to qualify. However, group insurance plans often do not require employees to pass a physical or other medical tests, making it easier to qualify for coverage.
  • Flexible Coverage Options : We offer a number of life insurance coverage options for plan members and dependants, allowing them to choose a premium that fits within their budget. Employees can contribute to their plan in a number ways including annual payments, paycheck deductions, and more.
  • A Sense Of Financial Security : Opting in to life insurance coverage provides your employees with a sense of security because they will know their dependants are taken care of if they pass.

About Group Life Insurance Coverage

Factors Impacting Group Insurance Rates

Group life insurance coverage offers your employees with the same flexible options, just at more affordable group rates.

Group life insurance rates are based on a number of key factors :

  • The size of the group being insured
  • The occupations of your group members
  • Gender and age averages of your employees
  • Your company claims history
  • Employee salaries

We use this information to determine the life insurance premium rates for your group members.

Flexible Group Insurance Coverage Options

At ThinkInsure, we offer a variety of life insurance coverage options :

  • Employee term life insurance
  • Permanent whole life insurance
  • Universal whole life insurance
  • Dependant term life insurance

If you are not sure which coverage makes the most sense for your organization, we can help!

Customizable Plans And Coverage

We understand that choosing the right group life insurance plan can be a complicated endeavor. This is why we offer flexible solutions for all organizations!

We work with you to identify the insurance needs for the group - which could be a combination of many types of coverage - and then we use this information to get quotes from a number of insurance companies to get the best possible rates and coverage.