Mar 9, 2024
Parking tickets cost Ontario drivers

No one wants to see a parking ticket flapping in the wind under a windshield wiper as they approach their vehicle.
If you've received a parking ticket, the first thing that comes to your mind is how much it will cost. Whether you parked in a no-parking zone, your meter expired, or were ticketed for other reasons, it's natural to wonder about the financial implications. You might also be concerned about how the ticket will affect your driving record, licensing, and insurance.
Here, we will answer all the important questions about whether parking tickets affect your insurance rates. We’ll also answer other common questions about parking tickets.
Will a parking ticket increase my insurance?
Parking tickets DO NOT affect insurance. They do not impact your ability to have the most affordable car insurance quotes. Your rates will not increase no matter how many parking tickets you receive. They are not considered a moving violation and are not the same as other tickets, such as speeding tickets or stunt driving.
Can parking tickets impact my driving in other ways?
While tardy or missed payments might not directly affect your car insurance in Ontario, other repercussions exist. Neglected fines, if not addressed promptly, can hinder your ability to renew your driver’s license upon its expiration.
In Ontario, if you have outstanding tickets and associated penalties, the renewal of your license plate sticker may be denied. In addition, if you receive parking tickets in certain jurisdictions, your vehicle could be towed and impounded until all the fines, penalties, towing, and impoundment expenses are cleared. Although parking tickets do not affect your rates, they can be burdensome and financially taxing.
Do parking tickets go on your driving record?
No parking tickets do not have any impact on your driving record. They will not go on your record because they are not considered to be moving violations.
Are there any demerit points for parking tickets?
No. Since there is no impact on your driving record, there are no demerit points in Ontario for parking tickets.
Keep your driving expenses low by avoiding parking tickets
Although receiving a parking ticket can be frustrating, it should not be ignored. It is best to pay the ticket immediately to avoid any further inconvenience. Fortunately, parking tickets do not have an impact on your insurance rates. However, how you handle the tickets can affect you in other ways.