Get the best rates for car insurance in Brampton

Looking for better car insurance savings in Brampton? Is your policy coming up for renewal? We know Brampton drivers want to get lower auto insurance rates. Comparing quotes is the most effective way to save and keep more money in your pocket. Since we work with the top insurance companies we'll be able to find you a better deal and save you hundreds on your car insurance in Brampton.

At ThinkInsure, our insurance experts can help you find the most affordable rates for the coverage you need. For over 50 years we’ve helped drivers just like you save on auto insurance premiums in Brampton. Get started by comparing quotes online or give us a call.

A quick summary of car insurance in Brampton

  • Brampton has the most expensive car insurance premiums in the province.
  • The average cost of Brampton car insurance in 2024 is $ 2,944 annually.
  • Rates have remained fairly consistent in recent years. However, after a drop in 2023, premiums have increased by 12.5% since last year for some people.